ttitle ON and is the following 456 characters: left '_________' right '_________________' skip 1 right '|proc: ' SBMTKSUM ' |' center ' software user manual: ddmevp ' left '|Site: |' skip 1 format a7 right '|vers: 1 |' left '|' presite '|' skip 1 right '|page: ' sql.pno ' |' center ' ' left '|user: |' skip 1 format a9 right '|date: ' today '|' left '|' format a7 sql.user '|' skip 1 left '|_______|' right '|_______________|' skip 1 center ' ' center ' ' _________ _________________ |Site: | software user manual: ddmevp |proc: SBMTKSUM | |UNH | |vers: 1 | |user: | |page: 1 | |SBM_RO | |date: 14-JAN-98| |_______| |_______________| NAME ==== DDMEVP SUBSYSTEM ========= DDM Data Display and Manipulation VERSION ======= 6 TITLE ===== Task for Plotting EVP Data PURPOSE ======= This task can be used to produce 1-D and 2-D histogram plots of processed event data. The user has the freedom to select any item(s) in the EVP event message to be used in producing the plots. In addition, the ARM value is also available for each event, if the user provides the calibration source coordinates. Both an HPLOT plotfile (of plot type SCATTER, SURFACE or CONTOUR) and an HBOOK scatterplot (a printable version written to the log file) are produced. In the 1-D case, it is possible to fit a simple Gaussian function over a user-specified fit range. In the 2-D case, projections (on both X and Y) and slices (in X and/or Y) are also possible. Finally, the user can also request that the histogram (either 1-D or 2-D) be dumped into a text file for subsequent analysis be a spreadheet or other similar program. CONTROL PARAMETERS ================== Number of Events to Process The maximum number of input events which are required. The program will stop filling the plot histograms once this many events are accepted for plotting. The program only reads in events which fall in the specified time range, so this number may not be reached if the end time is reached first. This is an optonal parameter; if left blank, a value of 999999 is assumed. COMPASS start time The COMPASS time of the first event to be included in the plot. The default time values will insure that all events contained in the input dataset(s) are read into the program. COMPASS end time The COMPASS time of the last event to be included in the plot. The default time values will insure that all events contained in the input dataset(s) are read into the program. If the specified maximum number of events is reached before this time, then the histogram filling will stop at that point. Selection Set Identifier Selection set identifier (of type EVP) to be applied to the input data stream. To review the available EVP selection sets consult the SST table. If left blank, then no selection set is applied. Event Class Selection Here the user can specify the class of events which are to be plotted. This class corresponds to that found in the CLASS field of the EVP event message. If this parameter is left blank, then all classes of events are accepted. Veto Flag Selection Veto flag selection is specified by a four-character string. Each character corresponds to one of the four veto domes. The selection for each dome is specified by one of three characters: 1 - select events with this veto dome bit on 0 - select events with this veto dome bit off X - select events with this veto dome bit on or off D1 Module Selection (1-7) D1 module selection is specified by a 7 character string of 1s and 0s. The correspondence betweeen this character string and the module Ids is that module D1-1 corresponds to the leftmost character and D1-7 corresponds to the rightmost character. A character value of 1 indicates that events for that module are to be accepted; a value of 0 indicates that events for that module are to be rejected. If the user is interested in D2 singles data, then all D1 selections must be set to 0. D2 Module Selection (1-14) D2 module selection is specified by a 14 character string of 1s and 0s. The correspondence betweeen this character string and the module Ids is that module D2-1 corresponds to the leftmost character and D2-14 corresponds to the rightmost character. A character value of 1 indicates that events for that module are to be accepted; a value of 0 indicates that events for that module are to be rejected. If the user is interested in D1 singles data, then all D2 selections must be set to 0. Plot Dimension (1 or 2) Specify the dimensionality of the plot which is to be produced. For 1-dimensional plots, up to 4096 channels are available. For 2-dimensional plots, up to 512 channels are available along _________ _________________ |Site: | software user manual: ddmevp |proc: SBMTKSUM | |UNH | |vers: 1 | |user: | |page: 2 | |SBM_RO | |date: 14-JAN-98| |_______| |_______________| CONTROL PARAMETERS ================== Plot Dimension (1 or 2) both X and Y. Note, however, that for 2-D surface plots, HPLOT is limited to 64 by 64 channels. 2-Dimensional Plot Type If a 2-dimensional plot is chosen, the user now must choose a plot type. The available choices are : SCATTER, SURFACE, CONTOUR or LEGO. (SURFACE and LEGO plots are limited to 64 by 64 channels.) Note that this option only effects 2-dimensional plots. 1-D: X Axis Item If you have selected the 1-D option, specify the item to be plotted. The available options are: D1E Measured D1 energy deposit (in keV) D2E Measured D2 energy deposit (in keV) ETOT Total energy deposit (in keV) PHI Calculated scatter angle (in degrees) X1C X coordinate of location in D1 (mm) Y1C Y coordinate of location in D1 (mm) Z1C Z coordinate of location in D1 (lambda) X2C X coordinate of location in D2 (mm) Y2C Y coordinate of location in D2 (mm) Z2C Z coordinate of location in D2 (lambda) PSD Corrected PSD signal (0-256 channels) TOF Corrected TOF signal (0-256 channels) MODCM Module combination (minitelescope) VETO Veto dome status (0-16) SCDG1 Galactic latitude of scatter direction (degs) SCDG2 Galactic longitude of scatter direction (degs) SCDC1 Azimuth of scatter direction in COMPTEL coords (degs) SCDC2 Zenith of scatter direction in COMPTEL coords (degs) SCDHA Earth horizon angle of scatter direction (degs) ARM Angular resolution measure (degs) PHIG Geometric scatter angle (degs) ZETA Earth Horizon angle - phi-bar (degs) TIME Event Time (seconds) SLPRD Solar Neutron Production Time (SOLPRC-EVP data only!) 1-D: Min X, Max X, Number of Bins For the 1-D plot, specify the minimum and maximum X-axis values and the number of histogram bins along the X-axis. 2-D: X Axis Item If you have selected the 2-D option, specify the X-axis item to be plotted. The available options are: D1E Measured D1 energy deposit (in keV) D2E Measured D2 energy deposit (in keV) ETOT Total energy deposit (in keV) PHI Calculated scatter angle (in degrees) X1C X coordinate of location in D1 (mm) Y1C Y coordinate of location in D1 (mm) Z1C Z coordinate of location in D1 (lambda) X2C X coordinate of location in D2 (mm) Y2C Y coordinate of location in D2 (mm) Z2C Z coordinate of location in D2 (lambda) PSD Corrected PSD signal (0-256 channels) TOF Corrected TOF signal (0-256 channels) MODCM Module combination (minitelescope) VETO Veto dome status (0-16) SCDG1 Galactic latitude of scatter direction (degs) SCDG2 Galactic longitude of scatter direction (degs) SCDC1 Azimuth of scatter direction in COMPTEL coords (degs) SCDC2 Zenith of scatter direction in COMPTEL coords (degs) SCDHA Earth horizon angle of scatter direction (degs) ARM Angular resolution measure (degs) PHIG Geometric scatter angle (degs) ZETA Earth Horizon angle - phi-bar (degs) TIME Event Time (seconds) SLPRD Solar Neutron Production Time (SOLPRC-EVP data only!) 2-D: Min X, Max X, Number of Bins For the 2-D plot, specify the minimum and maximum X-axis values and the number of histogram bins along the X-axis. 2-D: Y Axis Item If you have selected the 2-D option, specify the Y-axis item to be plotted. The available options are: D1E Measured D1 energy deposit (in keV) D2E Measured D2 energy deposit (in keV) ETOT Total energy deposit (in keV) PHI Calculated scatter angle (in degrees) X1C X coordinate of location in D1 (mm) Y1C Y coordinate of location in D1 (mm) Z1C Z coordinate of location in D1 (lambda) X2C X coordinate of location in D2 (mm) Y2C Y coordinate of location in D2 (mm) Z2C Z coordinate of location in D2 (lambda) PSD Corrected PSD signal (0-256 channels) TOF Corrected TOF signal (0-256 channels) MODCM Module combination (minitelescope) VETO Veto dome status (0-16) SCDG1 Galactic latitude of scatter direction (degs) SCDG2 Galactic longitude of scatter direction (degs) SCDC1 Azimuth of scatter direction in COMPTEL coords (degs) SCDC2 Zenith of scatter direction in COMPTEL coords (degs) _________ _________________ |Site: | software user manual: ddmevp |proc: SBMTKSUM | |UNH | |vers: 1 | |user: | |page: 3 | |SBM_RO | |date: 14-JAN-98| |_______| |_______________| CONTROL PARAMETERS ================== 2-D: Y Axis Item SCDHA Earth horizon angle of scatter direction (degs) ARM Angular resolution measure (degs) PHIG Geometric scatter angle (degs) ZETA Earth Horizon angle - phi-bar (degs) TIME Event Time (seconds) SLPRD Solar Neutron Production Time (SOLPRC-EVP data only!) 2-D: Min Y, Max Y, Number of Bins For the 2-D plot, specify the minimum and maximum Y-axis values and the number of histogram bins along the Y-axis. X and Y Projections? Specify whether or not you want projections along both the X-axis and Y-axis to be plotted. Plots of these projections are produced together on a separate page. If left blank, then no projections are produced. Number Of X Slices Specify the number of slices to be taken on the X-variable. This produces a set of projections on the Y-axis for the number of user-specified intervals of the X-variable. Each projection is shown as a separate plot, with up to four such plots per page. If the number of slices is not specified (or specified to be zero), then no slices are created. A maximum of 12 slices is allowed. Number of Y Slices Specify the number of slices to be taken on the Y-variable. This produces a set of projections on the X-axis for the number of user-specified intervals of the Y-variable. Each projection is shown as a separate plot, with up to four such plots per page. If the number of slices is not specified (or specified to be zero), then no slices are created. A maximum of 12 slices is allowed. Total energy window (min, max) The lower and upper limits which define the total energy window outside of which events will be rejected. Values are expressed in keV. If left blank, then no selection on total energy is made. D1 energy window (min, max) The lower and upper limits which define the D1 energy window outside of which events will be rejected. Values are expressed in keV. If left blank, then no selection on D1 energy is made. D2 energy window (min, max) The lower and upper limits which define the D2 energy window outside of which events will be rejected. Values are expressed in keV. If left blank, then no selection on D2 energy is made. TOF window (min, max) The lower and upper limits which define the TOF window outside of which events will be rejected. Values are expressed in terms of corrected channel number (0-255). If left blank, then no selection on TOF is made. PSD window (min, max) The lower and upper limits which define the PSD window outside of which events will be rejected. Values are expressed in terms of corrected channel number (0-255). If left blank, then no selection on PSD is made. Phi-bar window (min, max) The lower and upper limits which define the phi-bar window outside of which events will be rejected. Values are expressed in degrees. If left blank, then no selection on phi-bar is made. Zeta window (min, max) The zeta parameter is defined (for each individual event) to be the Earth Horizon Angle minus the phibar angle. Here we specify an allowable range for this parameter (in degrees). Earth Horizon window (min, max) The lower and upper limits which define the earth horizon angle window outside of which events will be rejected. Values are expressed in degrees. If left blank, then no selection on the earth horizon angle is made. ARM window (min, max) The lower and upper limits which define the ARM window outside of which events will be rejected. This window can only applied to the data when the source position is provided by the user; otherwise, this window has no effect on the processing. If left blank, then no window will be applied in any case. Values are expressed in degrees. ARM values are calculated only for those events whose processing level (REJFLG) is greater than or equal to 10. 1D Fit Range (min, max) If a Gaussian fit is to be made to a 1-D histogram, then specify the fit range. The fit range is specified in terms of the parameter values, not in terms of the corresponding channel numbers. The fit results are shown on the final plot and further information can be found in the log file. If left blank, then no fit is performed. Source Position (Zen, Azi, Dist) Calibration source position (zenith, azimuth and distance) in COMPTEL coordinates. Angles are in degrees, distance in mm. These data must be provided in order to calculate ARM values. For a source at infinite distance, the user should leave the source distance field blank. This will then instruct DDMEVP to use an alternative method for calculating ARM values. _________ _________________ |Site: | software user manual: ddmevp |proc: SBMTKSUM | |UNH | |vers: 1 | |user: | |page: 4 | |SBM_RO | |date: 14-JAN-98| |_______| |_______________| CONTROL PARAMETERS ================== Dump Histogram to Text File? This flag indicates whether or not the HBOOK histogram should be dumped to a text file for subsequent analysis. If left blank, then the text file is not produced. For a 1-dimensional histogram, the text file contains two columns of data. In the first column is given the parameter value for that histogram bin; the second column gives the number of counts in that histogram bin. For a 2-dimensional histogram, the text file is in the following format : #rows, #cols <-- size of array max_value, min_value <-- min, max of array row1 row2 row3 row4... <-- y values in array col1 col2 col3 col4... <-- x values in array data1 data2 data3 data4 ... <-- top row of array data1 data2 data3 data4 ... <-- next row of array, etc. . . . Dump Histogram to FITS File? NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. INPUT DATASETS ============== EVP EVP Dataset Identifier Set identifier of the input EVP data. This can be either a single EVP dataset or a list of EVP datasets. TIM TIM Dataset Identifier /n/