EVP Rejection Flag Definitions

Event Processing Level (CPL / REFLAG) Definitions

During the course of processing an event in EVPRNN, the software assigns a processing level to each event. Within the EVPRNN code, this is referred to as the Current Processing Level (CPL). Eventually, this parameter becomes part of the EVP event message, at which point it is referred to as a rejection flag and denoted by REFLAG. The REFLAG value is therefore indicator of how far a particular event made it through the sequence of processing steps. It also is used to flag any errors that arise. If an error is encountered by EVPRNN in the course of processing an event, the final REFLAG value will be negative, with a vlaue that is related to type of error that was encountered. Below are listed the possible REFLAG values. Note that some of the various processing combinations used to define a particular CPL value may be relevant for singles events rather than good telescope events.

To illustrate the differences between data with REFLAG = 10 and data with REFLAG = 11, we offer the following sample DDMEVP plots of the distribution of events within D2:

Last Update: February 17, 1998

Dr. Mark McConnell
Space Science Center
Morse Hall, Rm 312
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH 03824

Phone: (603) 862-2047
Fax: (603) 862-4685
