ttitle ON and is the following 456 characters: left '_________' right '_________________' skip 1 right '|proc: ' SBMTKSUM ' |' center ' software user manual: simfin ' left '|Site: |' skip 1 format a7 right '|vers: 1 |' left '|' presite '|' skip 1 right '|page: ' sql.pno ' |' center ' ' left '|user: |' skip 1 format a9 right '|date: ' today '|' left '|' format a7 sql.user '|' skip 1 left '|_______|' right '|_______________|' skip 1 center ' ' center ' ' _________ _________________ |Site: | software user manual: simfin |proc: SBMTKSUM | |UNH | |vers: 1 | |user: | |page: 1 | |SBM_RO | |date: 13-JAN-98| |_______| |_______________| NAME ==== SIMFIN SUBSYSTEM ========= SIM Simulation SIM Simulation VERSION ======= 14 TITLE ===== COMPTEL Broadened "Simulated" Event Data Generator PURPOSE ======= SIMFIN takes as input an ASCII/BINARY QEV/TRK "physical" event file containing COMPTEL events unbroadened by instrument response, produced by the SIMGAM/SIMTRK task. /n/ In SIMFIN, for each "physical" event, the time-of-flight, energy, and interaction position values are broadened according to the instrument resolution parameters specified in the ISS table (= Processing Definitions File). A simulated (broadened) PSD value can be determined from the broadened D1 energy deposit according to the PSD(D1E) probability distributions stored in a PCF file (see COM-RP-MPE-SIM-3). Note that PSD values can only be calculated for D1E <= 1630 keV. For higher/lower D1 energy deposits a default value of PSD = 80/0 is returned (events with lower D1E should be rejected by the hard/software threshold selections). If no PSD broadening is applied, or if there was no D1 interaction, then a PSD default value of 40 is returned. /n/ Selection criteria are then applied to each broadened event: hardware and software energy thresholds, and veto rejection. Accepted broadened events are written to a "simulated" events file in standard EVP format. ToF and PSD broadening, event location smearing and the checks against the (gaussian) hardware thresholds all involve random numbers. Therefore the results of different runs starting with the same random number seed but with different settings of the broadening/smearing flags will not only result in (statistically) ToF and PSD values and event locations, but also in a (statistically) different number of accepted events! /n/ In burst mode, accepted broadened events are binned by energy into one of two histograms, one representing the "low" energy range (accepted events from D2-14), and the other the "high" energy range (accepted events from D2-7). The accumulated burst spectra are written to a PBS (= Processed Burst Spectrum) file. /n/ CONTROL PARAMETERS ================== Make short event file? (Y/N) Indicator to make a shortened event (SEV) dataset, for either burst or telescope data. If yes is chosen, no other output dataset can be made. Selection Set Id for Input File INPUT 6 CHARACTER SELECTION SET ID THAT EXISTS IN EITHER THE PRODUCTION SST OR THE TEST DOMAIN SST /n/ Run Mode: 0 --> 6 (See Help Text) N.B. FOR PROPER OPERATION THE RUN MODE SPECIFIED IN SIMFIN MUST AGREE WITH THAT SPECIFIED EARLIER IN SIMGAM, WHICH PRODUCED THE SELECTED QEV FILE. /n/ The Run Mode is specified by entering an integer value between 0 and 6: 0 = all events are selected (even if no interaction in D1 or D2) 1 = telescope events (interactions in both D1 and D2) 2 = burst events (interactions in either D2-7 or D2-14) 3 = singles events (interactions in either D1 or D2) 4 = D1 "backscatter" singles events (interactions in both D1 and D1BK) 5 = D1 singles events (interactions in D1) 6 = D2 singles events (interactions in D2). /n/ Number of Events to Process The number of input events to process. This value should (ideally) be less than or equal to the number of physical events contained in the input QEV/TRK file. If it is greater, processing will continue until the e of the QEV/TRK file is reached. /n/ Apply TOF Broadening (Y/N)? Flag to indicate if TOF broadening is to be performed. If set to 'Y' then D1/D2 energy dependant broadening is applied to the forward TOF peak around channel 120. Otherwise the QEV TOF values are converted to channel with no broadening applied. /n/ Apply PSD Broadening (Y/N)? Flag to indicate if PSD broadening is to be performed. If set to 'Y' then a D1 energy dependent PSD value is determined for each event. Otherwise a default value of 40 will be returned. /n/ _________ _________________ |Site: | software user manual: simfin |proc: SBMTKSUM | |UNH | |vers: 1 | |user: | |page: 2 | |SBM_RO | |date: 13-JAN-98| |_______| |_______________| CONTROL PARAMETERS ================== Apply PSD Broadening (Y/N)? NOTE: To apply PSD broadening, an input PCF file has to be provided which contains, as a function of D1E, the probability distributions PSD(D1E Apply Event Location Smearing (Y/N)? Flag to indicate if event location broadening in D1 and D2 is to be perform /n/ If set to 'Y' then each D1 and D2 interaction x-y location is smeared with Gaussian with sigma = 2.3 cm and 1.96 cm, respectively, independent of the energy deposit. The z-position used is the center of the module (in the act data the z-coordinate of the interaction is not determined). /n/ If set to 'N' then the original ("physical") event localization is kept without any smearing. Random Number Seed (integer) User-specified initial random number seed (integer). LO-Range Burst Bin (Origin,Width in keV) Burst Mode Definitions (used only when IMODE=2) First parameter: LOW RANGE energy histogram origin in keV. (Origin is defined to be the low edge of the first histogram bin) Second parameter: LOW RANGE energy histogram bin width in keV. /n/ N.B. Module D2-14 is the LOW range burst detector. /n/ HI-Range Burst Bin (Origin,Width in keV) Burst Mode Definitions (used only when IMODE=2) First parameter: HIGH RANGE energy histogram origin in keV. (Origin is defined to be the low edge of the first histogram bin) Second parameter: HIGH RANGE energy histogram bin width in keV. /n/ N.B. Module D2-7 is the HIGH range burst detector. /n/ /n/ LO-Range Burst Thr. (Position,FWHM in Burst Mode Definitions (used only when IMODE=2) keV) First Parameter: LOW RANGE threshold energy at half the maximum value in keV. (NOTE: maximum is defined to be when the probability of rejection = 0) Second Parameter: LOW RANGE threshold full-width at half-maximum in keV. /n/ N.B. Module Hardware Energy thresholds are modelled with a Gaussian. N.B. Module D2-14 is the LOW range burst detector. HI-Range Burst Thr. (Position,FWHM in Burst Mode Definitions (used only when IMODE=2) keV) First Parameter: HIGH RANGE threshold energy at half the maximum value in keV. (NOTE: maximum is defined to be when the probability of rejection = 0) Second Parameter: HIGH RANGE threshold full-width at half-maximum in keV. /n/ N.B. Module Hardware Energy thresholds are modelled with a Gaussian. N.B. Module D2-7 is the HIGH range burst detector. /n/ INPUT DATASETS ============== *-* Physical Events Input Filename There are three choices for "unbroadened" event files: *-QEV-* This selects the unbroadened QEV output from SIMGAM. *-TRK-* This selects the unbroadened TRK output from SIMTRK. *-NEU-* This selects the unbroadened NEU output from the UCR Neutron Simulations /n/ ISS Processing Definitions Filename The ISS (= Processing Definitions) file contains the time-of-flight, energy, and position resolution parameters that are used by SIMFIN to broaden the event data to more accurately simulate the true COMPTEL response. The ISS file also contains the hardware and software energy threshold information required for final selection of an accepted event. UNH-ISS-1000 is the first version which contains nominal threshold settings used for telescope calibration. Others will be added as additional run modes become available in future versions of SIM. /n/ PCF Processing Definitions Filename The PCF file contains, as a function of the D1 energy deposit, the parameters that describe the probability distribution PSD(D1E). For more detail please refer to COM-RP-ROL-DRG-44 by Rob van Dijk. /n/ _________ _________________ |Site: | software user manual: simfin |proc: SBMTKSUM | |UNH | |vers: 1 | |user: | |page: 3 | |SBM_RO | |date: 13-JAN-98| |_______| |_______________| INPUT DATASETS ============== PCF Processing Definitions Filename A PCF file MUST be provided if PSD broadening is to be applied to the QEV data. /n/ /n/ OUTPUT DATASETS =============== EVP Simulated Events Output Filename the ISS processing definitions file are written to a "simulated" event file in standard EVP format. PBS Simulated Burst Events Output If the burst mode is specified, accepted broadened events are Filename binned by energy into one of two histograms, one representing the "low" energy range (accepted events from D2-14), and the other the "high" energy range (accepted events from D2-7). The accumulated burst spectra are written to a PBS (= Processed Burst Spectrum) file. /n/ SEV Short EVent output filename Shortened events are just 48 bytes of the EVP dataset plus input energy. The components are: D1E,D2E,PHI,X1,Y1,X2,Y2,PSD,TOF,MC,VETO,CLASS,AZ,ZEN,EIN PARENT TASKS - in JOB ============== ======= SIMGAM SIMALL SIMGAM SIMALL SIMGAM SIMALL ADJUNCT DATASETS INPUT ====================== *-* ISS PCF