ttitle ON and is the following 456 characters: left '_________' right '_________________' skip 1 right '|proc: ' SBMTKSUM ' |' center ' software user manual: simrsp ' left '|Site: |' skip 1 format a7 right '|vers: 1 |' left '|' presite '|' skip 1 right '|page: ' sql.pno ' |' center ' ' left '|user: |' skip 1 format a9 right '|date: ' today '|' left '|' format a7 sql.user '|' skip 1 left '|_______|' right '|_______________|' skip 1 center ' ' center ' ' _________ _________________ |Site: | software user manual: simrsp |proc: SBMTKSUM | |UNH | |vers: 1 | |user: | |page: 1 | |SBM_RO | |date: 13-JAN-98| |_______| |_______________| NAME ==== SIMRSP SUBSYSTEM ========= SIM Simulation VERSION ======= 3 TITLE ===== SIM Full Energy Response Matrix Generation PURPOSE ======= Generates an energy response matrix using data from COMPTEL gamma-ray Monte Carlo simulation system. Incident photons propagated through a simulation mass model (from the SIMGAM task); /n/ The passing events are binned in Egam vs Edep energy space to form an energy response matrix. Each efficiency cell (= # events deposited/ # of incident photons in that channel) is normalized by beam area divided by geometric area. The task will run in two basic modes: /n/ 1) telescope mode: Double scatter events are subject to telescope event selections from the TPT (D1E, D2E, PHIBAR, ARM Etc.). The single response matrix (Egam vs Etot) is written to an ERG dataset. /n/ CURENTLY DISABLED until validated for mode 2 (BURST) 2) burst mode: Single detector events are selected (d2-14=lo range d2-7=hi range). Two seperate response matricies are written to a SINGLE BRM dataset as two logical records. CONTROL PARAMETERS ================== Number of incident photons The actual number of "incident" events from SIMGAM result This is the valkue NIN= from the DSD title of the SEV dataset. SIM input energy range (MeV) The INCIDENT photon energy min and max used to create the SEV dataset. Thes values can be found in the DSD_TITLE of the SEV dataset. They should agree creating SIMGAM job. Run Mode: (1=TELE, 2=BURST) The run mode is specified by an integer 1-2: 1 = Telescope mode (interactions in BOTH D1 and D2) in addition, the event selections specified in the TPT will be applied. ERG dataset is written at the end of the run 2 = Burst mode (interactions in D2-7 or D2-14) BRM dataset is written at the end of the run Beam Type: (See Help Text) The type of beam initialization: 1 = Telescope mode (randomly selected beam particles with trajectories that intersect D1 modules are started from a plane just above the V1 veto dome. Zcomptel=256.0 cm) 2 = Burst mode (randomly selected beam particles with trajectories that intersect ANY part of COMPTEL are started from the surface of a cylinder which just encompasses the COMPTEL model.) { Radius=87.0 cm Height=256.0 cm comptel coordinates} 11 = Wide Beam Telescope Mode (randomly selected beam particles with trajectories that intersect a cylinder enclosing the D1 subsystem are started from a plane just above the V1 veto dome. { Radius=78.0 cm } Divergent Beam ? (0=No, 1=Yes) Beam Geometry: 0 = a PLANE-PARALLEL beam incident on the instrument from the direction given by source zenith and azimuth angles. NB ANGLES IN TELESCOPE OR COMPTEL COORDINATES (SAME) 1 = a DIVERGENT beam emanating from a point source whose location is given by the source distance, zenith and azimuth angles. NB SOURCE POSITION MUST BE IN COMPTEL COORDINATES SIMRSP Random Number Seed (odd) Input an odd number COMPTEL Zenith Angle of Source (Deg.) The ZENITH angle of the source direction in COMPTEL coordinates, specified in decimal degrees. COMPTEL Azimuth Angle of Source (Deg.) The AZIMUTH angle of the source direction in comptel coordinates, specified in decimal degrees. COMPTEL Distance to Source (mm) The DISTANCE to a point source in COMPTEL coordinates, specified in mm. NB This parameter is not needed for parallel beam geometry (idiver=0) Incident Energy Powerlaw Slope Incident photon energy spectrum: The powerlaw index of the incident photon spectrum must be specified as a real number LESS than or equal to zero. This number must be consistent with the SIMGAM "Beam Spectrum Parameter 1". The energy limits of the incident photon spectrum are determined from the binning parameters for each of the two run modes (tele,burst). (see corresponding help txt) _________ _________________ |Site: | software user manual: simrsp |proc: SBMTKSUM | |UNH | |vers: 1 | |user: | |page: 2 | |SBM_RO | |date: 13-JAN-98| |_______| |_______________| CONTROL PARAMETERS ================== Incident Energy Powerlaw Slope Even though the incident photons will follow this energy spectrum, the final energy response matrix will be normalized in each individual Egam channel. The only effect of the incident spectrum is that higher energy channels will have lower statistics. The default spectral index of 0.0 will produce a flat incident spectrum (random energy between limits) /n/ TELE Egam bin {Ori,Max (keV),Nbin} Telescope Mode Definitions (used only when IMODE=1) First parameter: Egamma energy histogram origin in keV. (Origin is defined to be the low edge of the first histogram bin) This parameter also determines the lowest incident photon energy. Second parameter: Egamma energy histogram max energy in keV. Third parameter: The number of histogram bins. (<0 = log bins) /n/ Note: Three real numbers separated by spaces are required. TELE Etot bin {Ori,Max (keV),Nbin} Telescope Mode Definitions (used only when IMODE=1) First parameter: Etot energy deposit histogram origin in keV. (Origin is defined to be the low edge of the first histogram bin) Second parameter: Etot energy deposit histogram max energy in keV. Third parameter: The number of histogram bins. (<0 = log bins) /n/ Note: Three real numbers separated by spaces are required. LO-R Burst Bin {Ori,Binw (keV)} Burst Mode Definitions (used only when IMODE=2) First parameter: LOW RANGE energy histogram origin in keV. (Origin is defined to be the low edge of the first histogram bin) This parameter also determines the minimum incident energy. Second parameter: LOW RANGE energy histogram bin width in keV. N.B. Module D2-14 is the LOW range burst detector. /n/ These definitions are used for both Egamma and Edeposit. The number of bins is fixed (Negam=400 Nedep=122). /n/ Note: Two real numbers seperated by spaces are required. HI-R Burst Bin {Ori,Binw (keV)} Burst Mode Definitions (used only when IMODE=2) First parameter: HIGH RANGE energy histogram origin in keV. (Origin is defined to be the low edge of the first histogram bin) Second parameter: HIGH RANGE energy histogram bin width in keV. N.B. Module D2-7 is the HIGH range burst detector. /n/ These definitions are used for both Egamma and Edeposit. The number of bins is fixed (Negam=400 Nedep=128). The maximum incident energy is set to ORI + BINW*400 /n/ Note: Two real numbers seperated by spaces are required. D1 module ON/OFF Status Telescope mode selections (used only when IMODE=1) D1 module status (1=active, 0=inactive) for telescope mode only. Data from inactive modules will be ignored. /n/ ** 7 characters required (either 0 or 1) corresponding to D1 module 1-7 D2 module ON/OFF Status Telescope mode selections (used only when IMODE=1) D2 module status (1=active, 0=inactive) for telescope mode only. Data from inactive modules will be ignored. /n/ ** 14 characters required (either 0 or 1) corresponding to D2 module 1-14 TOF Limits {Min,Max (1-255)} Telescope mode selections (used only when IMODE=1) Time of flight data selection (minimum, maximum inclusive in TOF channels) [1.-255.] /n/ ** Two entries seperated by at least one space. Entries must be real numbers!! PSD Limits {Min,Max (1-255)} Telescope mode selections (used only when IMODE=1) Pulse shape descrimination data selection (Min, Max in PSD channels [1.-255.] /n/ ** Two entries seperated by at least one space. Entries must be real numbers!! D1E Limits {Min,Max (keV)} Telescope mode selections (used only when IMODE=1) D1 energy deposit data selection (Min, Max inclusive in keV [0.-90000.]) /n/ ** Two entries seperated by at least one space. Entries must be real numbers!! D2E Limits {Min,Max (keV)} Telescope mode selections (IMODE=1) D1 energy deposit data selection (Min, Max inclusive in keV [0.-90000.]) /n/ ** Two entries seperated by at least one space. Entries must be real _________ _________________ |Site: | software user manual: simrsp |proc: SBMTKSUM | |UNH | |vers: 1 | |user: | |page: 3 | |SBM_RO | |date: 13-JAN-98| |_______| |_______________| CONTROL PARAMETERS ================== D2E Limits {Min,Max (keV)} numbers!!! PHIBAR Limits {Min,Max (Deg)} Telescope mode selections (IMODE=1) Phibar data selection (Min, Max inclusive in degrees [0.-180.]) /n/ ** Two entries seperated by at least one space. Entries must be real numbers!! ARM Limits {Min,Max (Deg or Sigma)} Telescope mode selections (IMODE=1) ARM data selection (Min, Max inclusive in degrees [0.-180.]) or (Min, Max inclusive in sigma) for energy dependant angular resolution. /n/ ** Two entries seperated by at least one space. Entries must be real numbers!! ARM Limits Type (0 or 1) Telescope mode selections (IMODE=1) 0 = Limits measured in terms of degrees. [default] 1 = Limits measured in terms of the energy dependant angular resolution (si /n/ Extended Output (Y/N) Extended output consists of text versions of all accumulated energy histograms to the default TEM file. Impose Ratio Cut (VP 2.5)? RATCUT : Impose Ratio Cut (VP 2.5)? This parameter specifies whether a ratio cut (as defined for GRO viewing period 2.5) should be imposed on the event data. The ratio cut defines a limit for the ratio between the raw D1E channel number and the raw D2E channel number. This is normally imposed on-board during solar mode operations in order to maximize the number of solar flare events which are recorded. SIMENE uses a parameterization of this selection as determined from processed EVP data. INPUT DATASETS ============== SEV SIM event file from SIMFIN (SEV) This data is a subset of the EVP data, plus the input energy. It contains D1 and D2 energy, phibar, module combination, veto, azimuth and zenith of spacecraft, location in D1 and D2, psd and tof. It is created in SIMFIN. PCF Optional Input PCF Dataset Optional input PCF file name. /n/ If this is left blank, then no PCF file is used. FPM Optional Input FPM Dataset Optional input FPM file name. /n/ If this is left blank, then no FPM file is used. OUTPUT DATASETS =============== ERG Output Telescope Response Matrix The output ERG dataset contains the telescope energy response matrix in a FITS file format (Egam vs Etot). (Telescope mode only IMODE=1) BRM Output Burst Response Matrix The output BRM dataset contains two logical records: the first is the low range energy response matrix (egam vs edep) and the second contains the high range energy response matrix (egam ve edep). ADJUNCT DATASETS INPUT ====================== FPM PCF