ttitle ON and is the following 456 characters: left '_________' right '_________________' skip 1 right '|proc: ' SBMTKSUM ' |' center ' software user manual: simspg ' left '|Site: |' skip 1 format a7 right '|vers: 1 |' left '|' presite '|' skip 1 right '|page: ' sql.pno ' |' center ' ' left '|user: |' skip 1 format a9 right '|date: ' today '|' left '|' format a7 sql.user '|' skip 1 left '|_______|' right '|_______________|' skip 1 center ' ' center ' ' _________ _________________ |Site: | software user manual: simspg |proc: SBMTKSUM | |UNH | |vers: 1 | |user: | |page: 1 | |SBM_RO | |date: 13-JAN-98| |_______| |_______________| NAME ==== SIMSPG SUBSYSTEM ========= SIM Simulation VERSION ======= 3 TITLE ===== Generate Spectrally weighted PSF from list of SIM IAQ's PURPOSE ======= Starting with a LIST of at least two monoenergetic 2-d PSF's (IAQ), SIMSPG generates both a 2-d(IAQ) and a 3-d(FAQ) PSF weighted for a particular user defined energy spectrum (eg power law E**-2.0). /n/ If a single IAQ dataset is specified rather than a list, SIMSPG will generate a 3-d PSF(FAQ) dataset from the IAQ. In this case, energy info is ignored. CONTROL PARAMETERS ================== Start: Normalization Energy (MeV) LOWER BOUNDARY OF THE INTERVAL FOR NORMALIZING THE SPECTRAL SHAPE FUNCTION: The lower bound of the interval on which the spectral shape function is being normalized is entered here. (ENERGY IN MEV) End : Normalization Energy (MeV) UPPER BOUNDARY FOR INTERVAL WHERE THE SPECTRAL SHAPE FUNCTION IS NORMALIZED The upper boundary of the interval on which the spectral shape function is normalized is entered here. (ENERGY IN MEV) Spectral Shape Type SPECTRAL SHAPE FORM: This number specifies the type of energy spectrum which will be used to generate the spectrally weighted PSF. The definitions used here are the same used in SIMGAM. /n/ ISPEC DESCRIPTION ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Single component power-law, of the form: E**SPAR1 where, SPAR1 = the spectral index THE NEGATIVE SIGN FOR THE INDEX MUST BE INCLUDED 2 Two component "broken" power-law, of the form: E**SPAR1 for E < SPAR3 E**SPAR2 for E >= SPAR3 where, SPAR1 = low-energy spectral index SPAR2 = high-energy spectral index SPAR3 = energy of the break in the spectrum (MeV) 3 Thermal bremsstrahlung spectrum, of the form: 1./E * EXP(-E/SPAR1) where, SPAR1 = energy corresponding to the gas temperature, kT (in keV) 4 Wien spectrum, of the form: (E/SPAR1)^2 * EXP(-E/SPAR1) where, SPAR1 = energy corresponding to the electron temperature, kT (in keV) 5 Tabulated input of spectral weights. See help text for ISWPAR parameter Spectral Shape Parameters THE SPECTRAL SHAPE PARAMETERS: These parameters define the spectrum used to weight the PSF for a given spectral type (ISPEC). /n/ FOR DETAILED SPECTRAL FUNCTION DEFINITIONS SEE HELP TEXT FOR ISPEC Control Code CONTROL FLAGS: These flags are used as signals for dumping intermediate results. The user is then able to examine the steps leading to the final results. The intermediate results are written into temparary files with type, TEMP. Intermediate results are suppressed when a flag is set equal to 0, otherwise they are dumped. The control flags are usually set equal to zero. CONTROL FLAG 2: 1 ... dumps miscellaneous parameter values. CONTROL FLAG 3: 1 ... dumps the input matrices before they have been rearranged in ascending order by the associated input energies. CONTROL FLAG 4: 1 ... dumps the input matrices after they have been rearranged in ascending order by the associated input energies. CONTROL FLAG 5: 1 ... dumps the matrices resulting from intermediate computations. CONTROL FLAG 6: 1 ... dumps the output matrix for comparison with the normal output of RESPSS. CONTROL FLAG 9: 1 ... dumps IAQ--> FAQ transformation data. _________ _________________ |Site: | software user manual: simspg |proc: SBMTKSUM | |UNH | |vers: 1 | |user: | |page: 2 | |SBM_RO | |date: 13-JAN-98| |_______| |_______________| INPUT DATASETS ============== IAQ Input IAQ LIST Identifier LIST OF DATASETS: The list of datasets contains the identifiers of the 2 dimensional mono-energetic PSF's being used as input data to create a 2-d PSF and a 3-d PSF for an energy interval. Input IAQ DATASET Identifier INPUT IAQ DATASET IDENTIFIER: If this optional parameter is non-blank, SIMSPG will ignore the list identifier from parameter PSFLST (if it exists) and will switch to a special mode where it will simply transform this IAQ dataset to an FAQ dataset with NO OTHER TREATMENT. (ie. all other parameters are ignored) ISW Input ISW DATASET Identifier INPUT FILE OF TABULATED SPECTRAL WEIGHTS (ISW): This is the identifier of the input file containing a table of spectral weights. The file must have the following format: Lines 1-7 : Hearder information, which may include descriptive information about the file Line 8 : Number of bins in tabulated spectrum Lines 9-end: Energy and spectral weight in two columns. Free format. COLUMN 1 is the energy (GeV) at the center of the bin COLUMN 2 is the spectral weight at that energy (range is 0. to 1.) OUTPUT DATASETS =============== IAQ Output IAQ DATASET Identifier THE OUTPUT IAQ DATASET ID: This is the identifier of the output 2-d PSF generated by SIMSPG. The SIMSPG job name will be used for the DSD_TITLE. FAQ Output FAQ DATASET Identifier THE OUTPUT 3-D PSF (FAQ): The dataset identifier of the output FAQ 3-d point spread function generated by SIMSPG. The job name from this SIMSPG run will be used for the DSD dataset title. DATASETS BOTH INPUT AND OUTPUT ============================== IAQ ADJUNCT DATASETS INPUT ====================== ISW